First Visit?

We are delighted to have you experience Juniper Massage and wellness for the first time. We want to express some expectations and also answer some frequently asked questions for new clients.
Before you schedule, take a look at Our Team Page and read a few bios to find out who might be a good fit for your massage therapy needs. We also have our prices and services
offered listed on our Treatments Page.
After you book either online or by calling us, we ask that you look for an email sent with a link to complete some necessary medical information and liability waiver. These are needed by the therapist to help you receive appropriate best care, so please answer these as honestly as possible. The medical information that we collect is on a secure server. If you do not have a chance to fill these out at home, we request that you arrive an extra 15 minutes early to fill out this paperwork using one of our tablets.
When you arrive, please check in with front desk staff and we will show you to the relaxation area to await your therapist. Once your therapist picks you up from the relaxation area you will be lead through a quick intake of your specific massage therapy needs and your therapist will form a massage best suited to those needs. Once your therapist exits the treatment room, you will choose how much to undress. We acknowledge that not everyone is comfortable being completely nude and in some cases such as stretch services or some sports services it isn’t as appropriate as leaving some undergarments on. Generally speaking though, we encourage clients to be as relaxed as possible with as little on as they feel comfortable with knowing that they will be modestly covered with sheets and a blanket at all times.
When your session ends, the therapist will again leave the room so that you can redress and will meet you outside the treatment room with a complimentary water. We highly recommend you drink several cups of water both before and after your session to rehydrate the body. After your session, you will pay at the front desk and hopefully book your next session with us.